Vanavond kreeg ik een van de wonderlijkste liefdesverklaringen van mijn leven. En ik wil hem graag met jullie delen. Niet om op te scheppen van ‘kijk mij eens sjans hebben’, maar omdat ik denk dat weinig de tragiek van Wit-Rusland zo goed samenvat als dit.
All day I drink I think do I want to marry Frranka. I think i not know. I think she brains is good. I think she old woman but I think she very beauty. I think okay for marry. And I think maybe today i meet frrrranka and i think maybe i wear clean shirt. And i think and think and there is this group of woman and they call feminist and i do not think they good i think woman in the kitchen i think okay if she good designer is no problem but she in the kitchen cook the food and I think franka no kitchen she write but she beauty and she very old woman. And then i drink and i drink and i think frrranka no like lukashenka and I think he our president. And I think franka she the brainy person and I think maybe she right but you know politic no good it is the danger and i think but i want marry frrranka she very beauty she understand my country and I drink and I drink and i think why my country nobody like? And i think oh but she the politic and politic no good and I think maybe smart woman good and i think yes i like you very much from first moment i talk to you and i think rrrusian language good and she love belarus language but why? And she no like lukashenka and i think maybe i no like president and i drink whole day weird day and i think but i not know the politic maybe no good and she know and she brain. And i think and drink do i marry frrranka maybe. She old woman but very beauty.